AmnioChor's Story
AmnioChor's core competence and patented technology is based on improving, sustaining and saving lives from therapeutic derivations of the Amniotic Membrane of the placenta. Our journey begins with the ability to cryopreserve the tissue at birth for future us, or the immediate creation of creation of products that promote the tremendous healing components comprised in the membrane.
Our Team
Russ Schweizer
Over three decades of industry leadership in the commercialization of new technologies; educated engineer, and trained for business management; leading integrated design, manufacturing and marketing teams; creating over $1B sustainable revenue for medical device and consumer product companies.

Dale Woodbury, PhD
30 years of experience in laboratory leadership focused on research for gene expression and stem cell biology; published expert on Mesenchymal Stem Cell biology. BS from the University of Connecticut in Pathobiology and PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Rutgers University.

Akiva Marcus, M.D. PhD
Practicing physician with expertise in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. Published on stem cell biology; liaison to the Pharma/Biotech industry. MD from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and PhD in Neuroscience and Stem Cell Biology jointly from RWJMS and Rutgers Univ.

Barry Schechter, M.D.
Dir Ophthalmology
Dr. Schechter is a nationally acclaimed, board-certified Ophthalmologist and fellowship-trained specialist in cornea, cataract, and restorative surgery of the ocular surface. As a key opinion leader in ocular pharmacology and premium cataract surgery, he has been involved in numerous clinical trials, lectured internationally, is internationally published and serves as medical advisor to numerous companies.

Our Methodology
AmnioChor is a unique integration of engineering, science and medicine. The ability to take the science created in the laboratory from bench product, and then to the patient and the market for validation.
Us in Numbers
Days a year that the Amniotic Membrane is used in therapy
AmnioChor Patents US & EU
Amniotice Membrane Therapy Market Estimate 2024
Team Years of Experience